

Front row (L to R) Christopher, Jose Luis, Darrell, Paul
Back row (L to R) Aleia, Victoria, George, Patrick, David

Not pictured: Heather, Rick, Charles, Michael, Melissa, Cesar, Joseph

Mizuumi-con is run entirely by volunteers including students and staff of Our Lady of the Lake University and the officers and members of OLLU’s Mizuumi Anime club. None of our staff or voluntees are paid. Proceeds support future conventions, the Mizuumi Anime Club, the university, and a charity chosen by the staff. Traditionally, the charity has been the Congregation of Divine Providence, which is the order
that founded OLLU.

The convention fulfills the Mizuumi Anime club’s mission of educational outreach to the community of Anime and Manga fans and their parents in south Texas. Our goal is to be a family-friendly, safe event for adults, teens, parents and children to enjoy everything about Japanese culture, gaming, and Anime.

Volunteer are always needed to help run the convention, and occasionally, the hardest working volunteers are invited to join the staff.

We thank you for your interest, attendance, and continued support!

-The Staff of Mizuumi-Con